We will describe in abbreviated form the process of buying in Store Albmobiliario.
After registering at www.albmobiliario.com you can access our online store. Our products are grouped in categories for ease reference. Not all products listed on the website are available for purchase online. For more information on those, please contact us, using the information request form, available in all the products on our website.
After selecting the desired category, are presented several products of the category selected. You should then chose the the desired product. Each one of the products presented, have the technical characteristics and a summary table (called composition) with the list of the different pieces that compose the product. In this context you will find the reference description, measures, quantity and price of each of the pieces that make up product.
To purchase the full product (composition) click the top shopping cart. If you want to acquire one or more pieces individually, select the desired number of pieces of each reference individually, and then, add them to the the shopping cart. You can add different compositions or parts successively to Cart.
After completing your choice you must click on the shopping cart where you can view the list of products selected. confirm each one and then go to checkout.
Then select the region of delivery, mode of shipment and payment mode. If you wish you can add an alternative address (for example holiday home where the delivery is to be made) and any observation that seems relevant.
To complete your order select '' order''. You will receive a confirmation email by albmobiliario.
See also the payment methods.
Important note:
The albmobiliario only consider the order valid, after payment confirmation.